Mechanical, Electrical Lexus Engineering


  • Service: Energy, Mechanical & Electrical 
  • Location: Alberta (various locations) 
  • Specialty: NECB

Project Summary

The National Energy Code of Canada for Buildings (NECB) was developed by the National Research Council and Natural Resources Canada as part of the commitment to improving the energy efficiency of Canadian buildings and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The NECB covers a wide range of building components and systems, including building envelope, electrical, and mechanical systems. Compliance options include Prescriptive path, Trade-off path and Performance path (whole building modeling).

The NECB became mandatory on Nov. 1, 2016. It applies to most buildings greater than 300m² in building area or three storeys in height. NECB impacts building design and construction practices: Envelope, Lighting, HVAC, Electrical and other areas.

Lexus Engineering has performed over 25 professional peer reviews and stamping of NECB reports for various building types for projects located throughout Alberta.

References: NECB National Energy Code of Canada for Buildings, eQuest software, CanQuest software, AB Building Code

Energy, Mechanical, Electrical Lexus Engineering
Energy, Mechanical, Electrical Lexus Engineering

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Unit 208, 8716-48 Avenue NW
Edmonton, Alberta
T6E 5L1

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Mechanical. Electrical. Energy